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8-week course
unlocking the goddess within

Goddess Unveiled

Weekly Zoom Sessions


There will be three zoom calls a month!
2 group meditions/Breathwork calls

1 Q&A session

Shadow Work Prompts


1-2 weekly worksheets designed to bring light to our shadow selves, addressing the issue head-on & opening our minds to think in new patterns

Daily Guided Meditation


Pre recorded downloadable guided meditations that will heal, awaken and align your Divine Feminine Energy 

Fun Activities 


Each week will be specifically themed to rebuild that part of your personality. These fun activities are planned to make you connect with your sexy, fun, and adventurous side!

How will this change your life?

  1. Radiant Self-Confidence: Experience a newfound sense of confidence and empowerment as you embrace your divine feminine energy, allowing you to navigate life with grace and assertiveness.

  2. Deep Self-Love and Acceptance: Cultivate a profound love and acceptance for yourself, body, mind, and soul, leading to greater fulfillment and joy in every aspect of your life.

  3. Sensual Liberation: Unlock your sensual potential and rediscover the pleasure and beauty of your body, igniting a passion for life and intimacy like never before.

  4. Emotional Healing and Liberation: Release past traumas and wounds surrounding femininity and sexuality, freeing yourself from the burdens of the past and embracing a future filled with possibility and growth.

  5. Empowered Relationships: Forge deeper connections with others, fostering supportive and nurturing relationships with fellow women and partners, rooted in mutual respect, understanding, and love.

What's the deal with womb healing anyways?

TW: Mentions of s*xual tr*uma and infancy de*th


What is Womb Healing?

Womb healing is a practice involving intentional meditation, affirmations, crystal gridding, and breathwork to activate the sacral chakra and cleanses the energy within the womb center. Many centuries ago, womb healing was a common tradition used to reconnect women to their Divine Feminine energy. Benefits of connecting to the divine feminine energy include glowing confidence, creativity, sensuality, reclaimed sexual energy and so many more beautiful changes. Womb healing takes an uncensored look into what has happened to the womb center and offers different ways to cleanse and fix any trauma. Those who might be interested in womb healing include those who have irregular periods, are sexual abuse survivors, have had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, and many others. Cleansing the womb of old energetic ties usually allows the person to move on from their old sexual ties and onto something more fulfilling. 


How does Womb healing work?

Womb healing is very special in the way that it works, during the meditations and sessions you learn how to activate memories and answers that are hidden behind walls within the subconscious. This allows you to learn why you like or dislike certain things, find explanations for sexual tendencies, and find emotions that have been suppressed. These can result in very physical forms of purging through crying, screaming, or even throwing up, though not everyone has purges like these.  After the answers are uncovered and the client feels recovered from the emotional cleanse, the practitioner moves into using energy from crystals, breathwork, or affirmations to cleanse the stagnant energy left within the womb or sacral center. 


*If there are serious mental effects from these situations we will immediately stop the session and look into getting more in-depth help from a licensed therapist.

womb healing info
  • 8-week course to Divine Feminine Power

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    1,000 US dollars

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  • A deep and unfiltered look at the disconnection from your Divine Femin...

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    250 US dollars
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